Tuesday, April 15, 2008

baby shower #2!!!!

my lovely sister lindsay hosted baby shower #2 at our house in gainesville on saturday, april 12! we had close to 40 friends attend, most of them from our church here. but we had several out-of-towners and a few repeats from the first shower! there was lots of food, a few games, delicious cookie cake, and tons of fun! adam and i thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and feel so blessed to have so many friends! thanks to everyone!!

yay for food!

cookie cake :) my name was spelled wrong and i didn't even notice til i saw this picture later. lol

baby shower game

baby pool...when will our little one get here?

beautifully wrapped presents

me and my sister. i love her so much!!

everyone's packed in

haha...isn't that cute?

i can't get this picture to rotate....but this is my lovely friend kim and my newest friend madelyn born on march 11. she's one month old!

me and my bff kimberly!

some more expecting mothers!!! heather in october, andrea in july and lauren in august!
yay for more first-time-mommies-to-be!

dirty diapers...what did baby eat? lol. so gross

gifts to our little one

some of our favorite college students!

this is a manly shower!

yay for lindsay's "dream team"! you did it!
seriously, i am so thankful for all your help!!!
(can you believe my profile in this pic!? holy cow...honestly, holy COW!)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Good times! Had a blast, glad you did too :-)