Thursday, January 3, 2008

halfway there

pregnancy is so cool. especially this part of it. they say you're able to feel your baby move for the first time anywhere from 16-20 weeks along (closer to 20 weeks for first-time moms). so beginning around 15 weeks, i would sit or lie down really still in an effort to see if i could feel anything. and from time to time, i would feel twinges but nothing like they describe in the books (fluttering or gas bubbles) so i was never certain if it was actually our baby moving. but on christmas eve, while sitting outside around the fire with my family and some hot chocolate, i felt about 5 "kicks" in a row and i knew right away it was Baby. :) i was 19 weeks along then and i have felt Baby move everyday since. the kicks were so frequent yesterday while i was driving, they made me laugh out loud. feeling our baby move around inside is so incredible...there are no words to describe it. but it brings me so much joy. the bond between mother and child is forming and we only have 20 more weeks til we meet face to face!!! i am SO EXCITED!!!

and tomorrow is our scheduled ultrasound!!! lindsay is coming along with adam and me to our appointment. she'll be videotaping our reactions to seeing our baby on the screen. this is our very first ultrasound and probably the only one we'll have, assuming everything looks good and they get all the measurements they need. and as long as the baby cooperates, we'll be able to find out if our baby is a boy or girl!!!!! i'll be back later to post the results!

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