Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's A GIRL!!!

our BIG ultrasound on january 4th went extremely well! it was SOOOO exciting! we're expecting a little baby girl! and she is so beautiful. the sonographer took all her measurements, checked her 4-chamber heart and her brain. it was so cool seeing her and watching her move around. and so incredible seeing her arms, legs, fingers, hands and feet! we even saw the lens in her eye! we could also see her spine, ribcage, stomach and her little heart beating. :) i could feel her moving around...she seems to be so active in there! and how wonderful it is to be able to say "she" and "her" instead of "it"! adam is so thrilled too :) he was sitting in a chair at the end of my bed, squeezing my ankle while we were looking up at the monitor. "that's our little one!!!" he seemed to be saying to me. he is so happy. he's going to be such an incredible father.

it was about 5 minutes before the sonographer announced we are having a girl. it was so exciting to find out!!! the lady was trying to get a good shot of in between her legs to show she's a girl but our baby kept her feet together like a modest one! :) she's already so adorable to me! the lady did have a hard time checking our baby's tailbone area to see the bottom of her spine. she had to shake my belly a few times in an effort to get the baby to move! i wonder if she'll be stubborn like her mommy! lol. we were given a dvd of part of the ultrasound as well as a few printed pictures to take with us. you can see the video at our website

it was such a joyful day! my sister lindsay got to come with us. we originally wanted her to take a video showing our initial reaction to seeing our baby on the ultrasound for the first time but the room was dark and the sonographer said we weren't allowed to film anything. i'm so glad she got to come anyway. she's going to be a great aunt to our little one. :)

i had my regular checkup with the midwife following the ultrasound. i was so excited that my blood pressure had risen to 126/86! they had me lay down on my left side to see if it would drop and it did right away. everything is looking great though and our baby's measurements are right on schedule. we couldn't be more excited and more thankful for this gift from God. this whole pregnancy and keeping track of the development just blows my mind! God is so cool! :)

i've got more posts coming soon...there's so much to say!

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